Thursday, February 18, 2010

Excuse me! Did you just Cathart?

            During an unexpected chain of events I accidently catharted in class. I blame it on the DDS! During this assessment in which I was instructed to draw three images, one of which was how I was feeling that day, I was able to release a lot of energy and turn sublimate into something acceptable- pretty cool, It was probably the first time in my life! Now it may have been because I has a bad day on the job, or maybe because it was getting late, but as I progressed through the individual stages of the assessment I found myself becoming increasingly frustrated. And then I let it rip! With one bold streak of a red pastel I was off. Releasing all sorts of energy, but the amazing thing was that I was able to bring it full circle, and I found myself at peace when I was done.
     I though I was crazy, but when I did the assessment on another person, I found that she had the same reaction. Especially going into the third drawing. She began the image quite frustrated and ended at peace (only after experiencing a healthy dose of catharsis). I had the same results with yet another person as well. This leads me to wonder if the DDS assessment had any intrinsic therapeutic value or if it was a random coincidence of what happens when you release energy on a bad day.

1 Response to Excuse me! Did you just Cathart?

March 7, 2010 at 12:36 PM

So you found the DDS effective as a directive? If so, great!

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