Wednesday, February 3, 2010

3.2.1... Brawl


It has been argued that arts based instruments are counter therapeutic and even exploit clients- how can clinicians practice without involving exploitation? 

Medical Model: Using an art based assessment to diagnose someone
Too quick to diagnose
Selfish motivations
Interviewer bias- OBJECTIVITY

This is how clinitians can practice without involving exploitation:
Using assessments when it is appropriate. 
Assessments can be used to lend support  

Client input should be taken into account

Note: The only way people will get the help they need is through assessments

Assesment according to Lowenfeld's Stages of artistic development:

Age: 17- 7th Grade- Schematic Stage

Client experienced loss of grandmother at 10 year old. Transitioned between mother and father's home. Child has a history of physical and substance abuse. Client is unable to read. Diagnosed with mild mental retardation.

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